OK, full disclosure, I have not and will never use any of this crap, but to each their own.

I think many who are in this arena - consumers - myopically see these AI creations as being intended for them and to make them smarter, faster, or give them those abilities, by proxy.

I submit two premises:

1) These platforms are not for you - you are just the training dummies for them.

2) They are meant for the next two generations, that've not been born yet and are in daycare right now - respectively.

In the coming decades, these next two generations and those after, will conform to what they are fed daily, by their AI friends/buddy/tutor. The goal is not excellence or aptitude - but mediocrity, indoctrination and control.

This can be seen in the analog examples of affirmative action and CRT. Those programs were not meant to turn out better, highly educated minority students -but ones that had ingested the regime propaganda and hence been activated to take their place in the agenda wars.

AI and chat GPLMNOP is no different. Yes, you may benefit from the apps and programs now, but the real audience has yet to use them. You are the ones helping to tweak the "just dumb and acceptable enough" algorithm, that will teach, inform and indoctrinate those future generations. It will be their norm and there will be little to no push back, because they won't know anything different.

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I'm using ChatGPT 4o that I have a subscription with OpenAI.com. So far, I'm finding it working quite well and haven't run into instances where it didn't provide a good response. I wonder if accessing it through an OpenAi.com subscription makes a difference as opposed to accessing it through an aggregation service?

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