
Stephanie, If you were going to compare the top end sourcers available in Merlin, which do you think is all-around best? Best answers coupled with least idea throttling/influencing is, I suppose, how one would define best. You have used these more than most -- interested in your opinion.

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Here is the "query standards" data they use to charge credits - https://www.getmerlin.in/query-standards

As you can see, GPT 3.5, Gemini 1.5 Flash, and Mixtral are the cheapest (1x) whereas Claude Opus is the most expensive at 50x. Note that this is not a simple query to credit ratio - a longer output in Mixtral usually takes 4 credits from my usage. For a limited plan I would only use Opus when really needed. Thus, I have Mixtral set as the default. If you have an OpenAI key and AppSumo Tier 2 or up you can use your OpenAI key for GPT queries after credits are exhausted.

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In terms of which is the best, I honestly don't see much difference between GPT 4 and 4o (Omni), except Omni can take visual input. GPT 4 is a little bit of a better writer than 3.5. Claude is usually better with longer text but I wouldn't use it otherwise except maybe fo fiction, because it is so heavily "moderated" and nags you about Western medicine if you try to ask about alternatives. I haven't used Gemini much but it's Google so I don't trust it.

BTW, Mixtral can apparently handle longer text (at least more so than GPT 3.5) but I haven't had a chance to test it yet.

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